Republic Day Celebration & Voters’ day
                   Republic day celebration of Bethany Navajeevan College was held on 25/01/2023 in our college auditorium. The program starts with Marvelous opening remarks of Ms. P. S. Pebisha first year student teacher. To receive the blessings of God second year student teachers sang a wonderful prayer song. At that time we feel the presence of almighty God. Mr. J L. Inigo Wilson second year student teacher welcome the gathering with sweet smile. His words gave encouragement to audience. 
                    .. Dr.A. Jagajeeth Paul Asst. Prof. of History gave valuable information regarding the brief history of republic India, Followed by his message our principal Dr. S. K. Bernet elaborately explained about our constitution. He told about our Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. He told future teachers must know about our constitution and our fundamental rights and duties. English speech about republic was given by Ms. Monifa. She told about the history of India’s freedom and many leaders sacrifice their life in freedom struggle. Followed by her speech amazing song was given by Jeflin and group. Then Tamil speech was given by our second year student Mrs. J. Maria Subani Santhiya. She told about how we got freedom from the British government. Her speech gave encouragement to all in the celebration. Valuable Skit was displayed by Viji and group regarding religious unity of our country. Wonderful patriotic dance was delivered by Deepthi and group. Both first and second year students create a patriotic feeling to all. It was great entiretinement to all viewers.  
 Voters pledge was given by Mrs. T. Irin Jeba (Asst. Prof. of Mathematics). Students and staffs took the oath regarding our voting right. Finally Ajo. P. Thomas first year student told vote of thanks the republic day and voters’ day programme successfully came to an end.


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